What does your phone really say about you?

What does your phone really say about you?

By MJ Jucutan, GadgetMatch

Years ago, you can tell a lot about a person based on the shoes they’re wearing. Nowadays, people judge you on the smartphone you’re using.

But can your smartphone really tell you who you are as a person? Earlier in August, Cosmopolitan published an article about Mike Johnson from The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise being bad news for owning and using an Android phone. In the United States, iPhone users — particularly women — believe it’s a dealbreaker for Johnson in becoming the next Bachelor.

There’s this “rule” between iPhone users that “green bubbles don’t get replies,” discriminating Android users for basically using Android. Samsung launched a response to defend its user but some people believe it’s the inferiority complex talking.

As an Android user myself, I couldn’t help but jump into the fray. I feel like it’s pathetic that people judge someone else based on the smartphones they use. To finally put this issue to rest, I scanned our comments section and studied how people bash other people for their smartphone preference. I listed down how people perceive you based on the brand of your smartphone, and what you really are.

How people see you: People who don’t want to use iPhones even if they can afford it, simply because they believe Samsung is superior.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: People who worship China and Chinese products, and love spying and being spied on.

What you really are:
A decent human being worthy of love and respect.

How people see you: Social-climbing flocking dumdums who think they are elite and far superior to everyone else in the universe.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect, except if you judge peoplebased on their financial capabilities and smartphone preference.

Photo by Joshua Vergara | YouTube: Joshua Vergara 

How people see you: People who want to think they’re part of some exclusive community, just like iPhone users.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.

How people see you: Poor people who can only afford cheap and budget smartphones.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect. 


How people see you: Narcissists in love with glass skin and faking their beauty with AI beauty mode.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: People who don’t know how to spend their money wisely by buying unreasonably priced smartphones.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: Mobile photography enthusiasts who think a camera is all you need.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: People who think they’re cool for being able to buy a powerful smartphone on a budget.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: Someone who takes low-quality photos and doesn’t care because the battery is more important than cameras.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: Nostalgic people who still believe that their loyalty can help bring the brand back to its old glory.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: Loyalists in love with technology yet refuses to accept change in all forms.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.


How people see you: Outdated audiophiles sticking around for the headphone jack when you can already buy dongles.

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.

Other smartphone brands

How people see you: Who are you again?

What you really are: A decent human being worthy of love and respect.

By now, I think you’ve seen the pattern. No matter what smartphone you’re using, we are all worthy of love and respect. We deserve someone who isn’t shallow enough that they would base our worth through a smartphone, or a pair of shoes, or lipstick.

These people who judge you — no matter how hot they are — might be good for one night only, but to be brutally honest: I wouldn’t bother screwing someone with that kind of character. After all, there are a lot of beautiful and gorgeous people in the world who would love you for who you are. Don’t lower your standards.

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What does your phone really say about you?
If you're using an iPhone, you're probably an elitist.
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