By Theresa Chong, Architectural Digest
Bocusini is the perfect invention for food-tech enthusiasts See How This 3-D Printer Could Spice Up Your Dinner Parties
If you’re tired of preparing dessert, you’re not alone. Bocusini, a 3-D food printer that prints mini skyscrapers and castles
out of edible marzipan, could be the personal chef you’ve always
wanted. And if your food funk doesn’t stop with desserts, don’t
despair—Bocusini also prints appetizers, side dishes, and more.
Food-tech enthusiasts, who share their recipes on the company’s website,
have printed creations ranging from potato puree octopuses to turtle
cookies, and from marzipan pumpkin faces to a meringue mouse.
Bocusini can print 32 different food products, including chewing gum, jelly, liver pâté, marzipan, potato puree, mousse, and more. Although printing time varies upon the size and specifics of each project, Bocusini’s website states that it takes “one minute to 15 minutes” to print. If you’re curious about how it all tastes, Bocusini says its experts develop “high-quality food recipes” that also have “extraordinary taste.”
The 3-D printer can be purchased for roughly $2,200 and will ship in August 2016.
Bocusini can print 32 different food products, including chewing gum, jelly, liver pâté, marzipan, potato puree, mousse, and more. Although printing time varies upon the size and specifics of each project, Bocusini’s website states that it takes “one minute to 15 minutes” to print. If you’re curious about how it all tastes, Bocusini says its experts develop “high-quality food recipes” that also have “extraordinary taste.”
The 3-D printer can be purchased for roughly $2,200 and will ship in August 2016.