10 things the Samsung Galaxy S8 can do that the iPhone can't

1. There's an iris scanner that can be used to unlock the phone and access secure folders.

Corey Protin
Samsung says it's more secure than a fingerprint sensor. The iPhone only has a fingerprint sensor.

2. More screen. The S8 has a 5.8-inch screen. The S8+ has a 6.2-inch screen.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Inside
Compare that to the iPhone: The iPhone 7 has a 4.7-inch screen and the iPhone 7 Plus has a 5.5-inch screen.

3. You can charge the Galaxy S8 with a wireless charging pad. There's also fast charging, which charges the S8 faster than normal.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider
The iPhone does not have wireless charging. There's also no fast-charging option.

4. You can plug in standard headphones thanks to the headphone jack.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider
Apple famously removed the standard headphone jack on the iPhone 7. You have to use a dongle if you want to plug in your regular wired headphones.

5. Samsung Pay can make payments on standard magnetic credit card readers.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Tech Insider
This is an older Samsung phone using Samsung Pay, but it works the same on the Galaxy S8. You don't need a special NFC pad like you do with Apple Pay.

6. The Galaxy S8 comes with its own virtual reality software, powered by Facebook's Oculus.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider
The iPhone can work with some VR headsets like Google Cardboard, but it doesn't natively support VR and content is extremely limited.

7. The S8 has a heart rate sensor on the back.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider
Get your pulse on the go! You'll have to buy an Apple Watch or another accessory if you want to measure your pulse using the iPhone.

8. You can attach the Galaxy S8 to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse with a special dock and run a desktop version of the smartphone's operating system on a normal computer.

Business Insider/Antonio Villas-Boas
While features like this haven't been proven, it could appeal to enterprises. You can only mirror your iPhone screen on an external display.

9. Samsung's Bixby digital assistant lets you take photos of real-world objects and brings up relevant information like shopping links and nearby locations to visit.

Siri doesn't have a smart camera feature.

10. Samsung's Galaxy S8 screen is more power-efficient and produces better colors.

Hollis Johnson
That's because Samsung uses a screen technology called OLED. The iPhone still uses LCD, which doesn't look as good as OLED.

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Tech Hacks | Tips, Tricks and How-Tos: 10 things the Samsung Galaxy S8 can do that the iPhone can't
10 things the Samsung Galaxy S8 can do that the iPhone can't
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